WhatFont Tool

2023年5月18日—IamafrontenddeveloperandusedtousetheWhatFont...IuseaSafariextensioncalledWhatFont...HowtouseDrawThingsonMac?3 ...,2016年3月7日—Usethecloseicononthetopleftofthescreentoclosethefontinformationagain.That'sit,it'sthateasytousetheapp.wha...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Safari extensions for font recognition?

2023年5月18日 — I am a front end developer and used to use the WhatFont ... I use a Safari extension called What Font ... How to use Draw Things on Mac? 3 ...


2016年3月7日 — Use the close icon on the top left of the screen to close the font information again. That's it, it's that easy to use the app. whatfontapp-02.

How to Find the Font on a Website with WhatFont

2023年9月27日 — Easily figure out what font a website uses in WhatFont by clicking the extension icon and hovering over the font you want to identify.


WhatFont identifies web fonts for you in 3 simple steps: 1 Select texts of interests. 2 Activate WhatFont from Action Menu. 3 Enjoy all the font info. See ...

WhatFont on the Mac App Store

2018年10月3日 — A wonderful little Safari extension that identifies web fonts in use. While it's new to the App Store, I've been using WhatFont for a while ...

WhatFont iOS 8 Extension Identifies Fonts in Safari

2014年12月3日 — WhatFont works by recognizing fonts on selected text in Safari. Select some text, open the WhatFont action extension, and you'll get a panel ...

WhatFont Safari Extension

2023年1月20日 — Download the extensions What Font for Safari in the App Store. It works on macOS, iPadOS and iOS.

What Font for Safari on the App Store

2024年5月3日 — Click the extension icon, hover over any webpage text, and unveil its font. Click to see font family, style, color and more.


2023年5月18日—IamafrontenddeveloperandusedtousetheWhatFont...IuseaSafariextensioncalledWhatFont...HowtouseDrawThingsonMac?3 ...,2016年3月7日—Usethecloseicononthetopleftofthescreentoclosethefontinformationagain.That'sit,it'sthateasytousetheapp.whatfontapp-02.,2023年9月27日—EasilyfigureoutwhatfontawebsiteusesinWhatFontbyclickingtheextensioniconandhoveringoverthefontyouwanttoidentify.,WhatFontide...
